Hi, I am Jessie!

Proud owner of Explore Your Roar Speech Therapy, and a nationally certified, state licensed Speech-Language Pathologist with over a decade of experience treating speech, language, cognition and swallowing challenges in both children and adults in a variety of settings. I’m a local graduate of Nazareth College in Rochester!

My goal is not to simply provide skilled intervention services, but to enable children, adults, and their families and caregivers with the knowledge, skills, and collaborative support they need to reach their full potential.

Things I love: hikes that last too long, the smell (and taste!) of freshly baked cookies, coffee, the ever elusive vacation to somewhere new, but most of all - celebrating the success of my kids

Things I don’t love: Bad book endings, chipotle peppers, and laundry!

Why I went into private speech therapy, my family
T-Rex exploring his roar

Why “Explore Your Roar”?

Explore - “to travel in or through an unfamiliar area in order to familiarize oneself with it”

Speech therapy is an amazing journey.

I am your guide, supporting you and your family / caregiver throughout the therapy process - from evaluation through discharge. Together we can explore & grow.

Roar - “to emit a loud, fierce and powerful sound”

100% inspired by my children. My oldest son has loved dinosaurs since he was 10 months old. We have learned more about dinosaurs in the past 6 years than I ever thought possible (his favorite is the T-Rex). My youngest son fell into the dinosaur loving tradition - having one of the loudest and proudest roars around (he is well known for his Carnotaurus “roar”). Now my twin daughters have carried on the dinosaur loving tradition with their use of dinosaur roars in place of farm animal sounds!