Privacy policy.

Within this Privacy Notice, will be referred to as “The Company”

The information provided in this Privacy Policy covers your interactions on all areas of The Company website. We strongly believe in protecting your privacy, and it is our goal to allow visitors to provide as much or as little information as they feel comfortable providing. This Privacy Policy governs our use of the information which you provide to us or we otherwise obtain in providing our services to you. This policy may change from time to time, so please check back periodically for the most current information. Information you provide today will only be used in accordance with the policy that is in effect as of this date.

Your Personal Information
We collect personal identifiable information (PII) when voluntarily submitted by visitors through our contact forms, through direct email, or via phone call. PII is requested in order to process and respond to all requests in a timely manner. This information may include your name, child’s name, client’s name, phone number, e-mail address, mailing address, place of employment, and other information.

Google Analytics™: The Company uses Google Analytics, a third-party web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (‘Google’). Google Analytics uses “performance cookies” to analyze how you use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. This website uses Google Analytics with the expansion ‘_anonymizeIp()’; therefore, only abbreviated IP addresses will be further processed, so that a direct reference to the individual user is eliminated. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google Server in the USA and shortened there. Google will use this information on behalf of the website operator for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity, and providing other services to website operators relating to website activity and Internet usage. Google will not associate the IP address transmitted under Google Analytics by your browser with other data held by Google. You may prevent the use of Google Analytics by disabling cookies in the browser’s set up screen. You may prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser software; however, we must advise you that in this case, you might not be able to use all functions of this website to the full extent. You may prevent Google from recording the data generated by the cookie and pertaining to your use of the website (including your IP address), or processing the data by downloading and installing the following browser plug-in available through Google, HERE

Google’s Privacy Notice can be located HERE

Using Your Information

The Company only uses your personal information for the purpose of conducting business with, or providing services to you, your child, your client, or your students. Some examples include:

  • creating and maintaining contact and service records

  • creating, maintaining, and communicating billing and insurance records

  • processing, fulfilling, and following up on services and invoices

  • answering your email

  • communicating with you

  • sending surveys and thank you notes

We also use PII to provide you with information related to your account, the services you purchased from us, to better understand your needs and interests, to improve our service, and to personalize communications and therapy plans

Does The Company Share Your Information?

Your personal data will not be rented, sold, or provided to any third party – under any circumstance. The Company remains responsible for protecting your information, something we take very seriously.