Reach your communication goals confidently and effectively

Building confidence through adult speech therapy

Initial Evaluation

Evaluation, Written Report, and Review

Following receipt of physician referral (if applicable), we will complete initial evaluation. Evaluations include comprehensive speech and/or language testing to assess the client’s current skills. It may include observations, standardized testing, review of intake form / family or caregiver questionnaire, and dynamic assessments. Evaluation may last 1 - 2 hours. After the evaluation is complete, the therapist will create a holistic treatment plan focusing on client and family goals for daily living.

  • word finding difficultly, short fragmented phrases & effortful speech

    difficultly understanding others, requiring extra time to respond, difficulty following along with daily activities

    difficulty writing, typing or spelling

    trouble reading and recognizing words by sight or comprehending written materials

  • Caused by:

    TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)

    Primary Progressive Aphasia

    Mild Cognitive Impairment & Dementia

Services for Speech and Language

one-on-one, at home, or via telepractice

After a holistic treatment plan is created, based on the results of the evaluation, therapy will begin. Sessions will be scheduled between 30 and 60 minutes, based on goals & client/family preference. Therapy sessions will be client and family based to target improvement of daily living and quality of life.

Therapy Services Offered

  • Client & Family centered care based on collaboration, individual and family preferences, interests and goals

  • Family education & counseling, provision of resources

  • Compensatory and restorative treatment techniques will be incorporated